Saturday, August 29, 2009

Review Team Magazine Presents:DVD Review~Paul Harris:The Art Of Astonishment

If you are into sleight-of-hand and don't know who Paul Harris is, then you have been missing out on one of the most creative minds to ever emerge in the magic world. He is a master of his craft and watching him work is a delight. This is the first P.H. DVD I purchased and as I look back, I see that this disc has the effects that really capture his style.
There are nine effects all together with a lot variety of medium.there are some card effects, some money effects and some impromptu effects. This DVD is a wealth of knowledge and the content has a lot to offer the professional as well as the hobbyist.
Paul Harris has been a big influence on my own close-up work, as I think that he is the best around. The thing is, he is really personable and comes across very relaxed. Just watching him is an education in itself. Timing, humor, and flawless skill are the hallmarks of an exceptional close-up worker as he carries these qualities in spades.
The art of astonishment is a must have for any serious close-up enthusiast and will hold it's own over time.
I recommend this DVD without qualms.
Five out of five stars

Friday, August 28, 2009

Linda's Journal-The Wastelander's Lament

Linda's journal is chronicled here by date.Pick them at random or read them in order, the story is designed to go in order or stand alone as singular instalments.

October 13, 2277 Pages 40-45
August 1, 2279 Pages 200-203

Review Team Magazine presents:Linda's Journal, Entry pages 45-50

October 13, 2277
Over the ridge the sun is setting but still bright enough to blind me. A bullet issues forth from the dilapidated home that survived the blast so many years ago."Fuck!", I exclaim as I search for cover. To my right I see an outcropping of rocks and dive headlong into them as a spray of flame bursts over the rocks. Didn't the other raider carrying the that damned flamer.
They have no idea who they are dealing with.I am Linda , but all know me as Hellinda and the wake of destruction that I have left. Maybe if I told them who I was they would probably run for their lives, but hey, I gotta stay sharp.
As soon as she peeks around the corner, I got her number. She literally melts into a pile of goo when the plasma shot hits her. From her head to her toes, she liquefies like a sort of flesh-based fountain, similar to a wax statue held under high heat.
Running I head towards the ruined house, dodging bullets the whole way, hearing the ping of ricochets ring in my ears. Near the house I find cover amongst a pile of steel barrels. Biding my time I listen and wait. Then I hear it the sound of opportunity;the sound of his reloading. Without wasting a second, I stand and shoot, aided by my handy targeting assistance system, and the bullet finds it's target, taking his head clean off.Blood, bone, eyeballs, and indistinguishable gray matter fly in all directions and as he falls back his hands keep opening and closing, his fingers slapping against his palm as if trying to grasp at an invisible rope.
Back under cover I survey my options. I know there is another raider, the last of his crew. I hear him upstairs creaking around on loose, ancient planks that somehow withstood megatons of force and fallout.
He's hiding, how cute. The creaks and groans of the resisting timber betray his every movement and I am on him so fast he audibly shrieks as he tries to flee. I zap him with my plasma rifle with a grazing shot and he falls to the floor, through a hole created by his dead weight and down to the ground on his back with a thud, the expression of surprise mixed with confusion frozen on his lifeless face.
Ghastly, but that is life in the Wastelands. Fighting people you don't know to the death for some irradiated water, seems to me we both lose, I just get to live another day. Tomorrow it could be me down there, dead, contorted with a grimace born from agony and hard living.
Cannot think like this, I have places to be. I fold up and pack my emotional baggage and stow it away for another day and make my way there, to the place that may explain why my father had to leave me in that horrible vault all alone amongst people couldn't care less.
I'll have my answer one way or the other when I catch up with him, if I catch up with him.
(The rest of the page is smudged and and the next few are ripped out.more entries)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Review Team Magazine Presents:Product Review~The Flip Video Ultra Series

My friend and colleague M1rasco did so much research when we decided to get cameras for our upcoming YouTube channel that it was hard to refute him when he recommended the Flip video.
Once I got it in my hands it was evident that this was the camera to have. First of all, it is so simple anyone can use it. There is a certain beauty to the simplicity of the controls, being that they are basically a few buttons and that is
it. The Flip also features a USB that flicks out like a switch
blade and is not just cool, but functional.
To top things off, the Flip also includes an internal hard drive,eliminating the need for SD cards. There are three models that range from a half hour to a full two hours of recording time.
I purchased the middle one that records for an hour. Though it seems like there isn't much space, I have discovered that one hour is heaps of time, and am yet to max out the hard drive.
All of this is great but the icing on the cake is that on the hard drive is Flipshare Software that allows you export your videos and make movies effortlessly. Flipshare is easy, convenient and fun.
There is one more thing about this camera that I have saved for last. It is inexpensive! the one hour model cost me $119.99 at Wal-Mart and I suspect you could find it cheaper online. For the price, this is absolutely an amazing deal. You could say that I love it so much i've "Flipped out" over it. (I can hear you groaning!)
Seriously though it is, for the money, the best deal around. I cannot recommend this item highly enough.
five out of five stars.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Card Review:The Bicycle Eco-Edition Playing Cards

Being a card handler and a person trying to look out for the environment, I was really interested in seeing what the deal was with these new cards. First of all, there is no plastic wrapping and the box is made from recycled paper. But that is not the only part that is recyclable. The entire deck is.
Using starch based glues and ink that is derived from vegetables, this deck is the enviromentalist of the playing card world. Green is the theme of this deck of cards, with green pips instead of red and green garments garnishing the gallantry of the grand court cards. This deck is graced with the standard Air-Cushion finish, so they feel comfortable and natural in the hands so switching from regular rider backs isn't a problem. 
Overall I thought they felt good I really liked them, they are a good product and I recommend them to any one who is curious or wants a deck you can throw into the recycle bin when they wear out.